Announcing the Release of: Бьем Микролимиты (eBook)

Blackrain79 Бьем Микролимиты
I am very pleased to announce the release of Бьем Микролимиты, the Russian translation of Crushing the Microstakes. I released the English version exactly one year ago today and have been blown away by the interest that it has received and the overwhelming amount of positive feedback. Having already released it in Spanish a few months ago I am very happy to now open it up to Russian speaking poker players who represent a significant amount of traffic to this website and online poker as a whole.

Like before, I am by no means an expert in the Russian language. I could not have possibly done this without the help of my translator and proofreader, both of whom are poker players. As with the Spanish version this was a key prerequisite of mine in going through with any of the translation requests that I get. Crushing the Microstakes is a technical poker book and only somebody who is intimately familiar with the game and the lingo could do a satisfactory job.

Оглавление (Нажмите)
Бьем Микролимиты table of contents 1
Бьем Микролимиты table of contents 2
Бьем Микролимиты table of contents 3
Бьем Микролимиты table of contents 4
Бьем Микролимиты table of contents 5
Бьем Микролимиты table of contents 6
Бьем Микролимиты table of contents 7
Бьем Микролимиты table of contents 8
Бьем Микролимиты table of contents 9
Бьем Микролимиты table of contents 10

Розничная цена $29.95
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Buy Бьем Микролимиты

Please see the official sales page (in Russian) for Бьем Микролимиты for more in depth information including screenshots, bonus materials, reviews and more.

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  1. Hi Nathan.

    Glad to see that the books doing so well.
    What's the process when you decide to translate? Do you decide according to how many requests you had. Is there a Romanian version comming? :P That'd be cool.

    Also could you please tell me what kind of a mic/headset do you use for recording videos. I'm looking to get myself a set but don't know what's what. Thanks. Lorant19

  2. Hey Lorant,

    Good to hear from you!

    Popularity of the language is the first concern. So sorry, no Romanian version coming :( Also, the translator must be a native speaker in the target language and have a good command of English also. Previous translation work is a big plus and they need to be a poker player as well.

    I will not be doing anymore translations however for any language. They actually require a lot of work on my part even though I don't do the actual translating. The formatting, cover design, sales page, marketing etc. I would rather focus on other projects.

    The headset that I use when recording videos is a Sennheiser. I am not sure of the exact model number though.

  3. I see. That's understandable.

    Thanks so much for the info.

  4. very cool, and congrats! the spread of poker education via information in so many languages means a growing worldwide community of players.

    bravo to you, sir.
