Hands Played Today - 7606

Hands Played May - 131905


Finally had a big day. Hit everything in sight. My favorite hand of the day. Villain is a total maniac.

Poker Stars, $0.02/$0.05 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 8 Players
LeggoPoker.com - Hand History Converter

CO: $1.93
BTN: $10.14
Hero (SB): $12.80
BB: $4.02
UTG: $5
UTG+1: $2
MP1: $12.57
MP2: $6.95

Pre-Flop: 8 T dealt to Hero (SB)
6 folds, Hero calls $0.03, BB raises to $0.10, Hero calls $0.05

Flop: ($0.20) 5 4 7 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BB bets $0.05, Hero calls $0.05

Turn: ($0.30) J (2 Players)
Hero checks, BB bets $0.15, Hero calls $0.15

River: ($0.60) 9 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BB bets $0.35, Hero raises to $12.50 and is All-In, BB calls $3.37 and is All-In

Results: $8.04 Pot ($0.40 Rake)
Hero showed 8 T and WON $7.64 (+$3.64 NET)
BB showed A A and LOST (-$3.97 NET)


  1. lamphi18 May

    Nice man. Maniak can give to us a lot of money, just need to be patient.

    For me I'm totally bored
    Can't make all days or some in + regularly... to much up and down. I'm playing bad even if i'm ev+. Need to change that!

    Take care man and gl

  2. Ya, ups and downs will always be a part of poker no matter who you are. The only thing you can do is try to always be improving because the higher your winrate, the more hands you will win, sessions you will win, days you will win etc. I think the #1 place most people can start with that is on their bad days. Losing the least, keeping tilt to a minimum, is a victory in itself some days. Because it means that on your good days, more of your winnings are pure profit, rather than recovering past losses.

  3. lamphi19 May

    Someone heard you, I'm +30$ (NL2) today. Set over set wining, flush at flop, etc... Poker is soo easy like that. In fact, the point is to make the more money you can (as you said).

    Please guy, go allin against me :)


  4. Anonymous19 May

    Hey BlanRain nice blog! You are a very good player congratulations for your sucess.

    i sent u a pm at 2+2 answer when aviable. take care bye!


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