How To...Reinstall Holdem Manager?

Reinstall Holdem Manager
A couple of months ago I decided to try and figure out what my lifetime earnings were in Hold'em Manager. I had to request a couple million hands from Stars lol. They were amazing with it as expected though. Within about 30 minutes they sent me a link to a password protected FTP server to download everything that I had asked for. Reason #871 why they are the best in the business.

So that was all great. I never did get a graph unfortunately though. HEM (and my computer - which is a pretty good one) just weren't having it. That is until recently, when I noticed that my primary hard drive with the Windows install was almost at capacity and my computer was slowly grinding to a halt. PostgreSQL, the database system that Holdem Manager uses, was responsible for pretty much all of it.

After trying various "vacuum" and analysis methods in HEM and searching through countless nerd threads in the HEM forums and elsewhere I decided to just take the screw this easy route and uninstall the entire thing! Computer out the window was plan B of course.

I have since reinstalled PostgreSQL and HEM, and am importing only my hands from this year. My computer is happy again.

I have been familiar with PostgreSQL for several years as it was the database system primarily used with Pokertracker2 as well. It works great but it is still un-user-friendly as all hell.

I really hope that in the next version of HEM, they finally just have all that stuff automated. The end user should not have to deal with techy stuff like this and the headaches that come along with it. And hopefully they figure out a way to control the file size as well. Some of us are sickos who like to play 5 million hands of poker!

holdem manager


  1. hey nathan.i notice you use fpp satellites as a form of rakeback.I am interested in buying T$ as i am predominantly a sng player, so if you are interested in selling i can offer you 99%.if interested please contact me

  2. Hey Dean,

    Appreciate the offer. However, I sell my T$ on 2+2 like lots of other people at the standard rate there of 99.5%

    You might try offering there. I know tons of guys who regularly buy there and I'm sure it adds up a lot over the longrun.
