
The Top 3 Lessons I Learned From Moving to Thailand

5 Lessons That I Have Learned From Moving to Thailand as a Poker Player (Two Years Later)
This isn't a travel blog but my post last year about what it is like to move to Thailand has quickly become one of the most popular in the history of this blog.

Several people have contacted me since then who are moving here at least partly because of it or they were already coming here anyways.

Online professionals continue to migrate around the world in large numbers and not just to Thailand although it is by far the most popular destination.

As I have now officially spent two years over here I thought that I could discuss a few of the lessons that I have learned for some of the newer guys planning the move. 

Here are the top 3 things that I have learned since coming to Thailand.

1) Thailand Nightlife

After Two Years What I Have Learned From Moving to Thailand as a Poker Player
Walking Street, Pattaya, Thailand
Ok, let's just call it "nightlife." It is no secret that this country has an enormous party scene and with that comes Thai girls and lots of them. Heck sometimes they aren't even girls!

Whether it be in the clubs, the bars or even on the internet and massage parlors, there are seemingly young, attractive women everywhere falling all over you. 

It is very easy to go down the path of getting caught up in that at first, especially if you spend all your time in the nightlife districts of big tourist areas in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and so on.

You need to remember though that not everything is always as it appears. Many of these girls in the tourist areas are "working" to some degree and you are either a short term or a long term paycheque to them. 

Now, it is important to note that most Thai girls are actually not like this at all. Most of them are very conservative in fact, do not speak very much English and have very little interaction with foreigners.

The girls that foreigners typically meet though are the small percentage that speak decent English because they have worked in some form of tourism or "entertainment" in the past.

Just use some common sense and you will be fine. If you want to have a little fun, by all means go ahead. You can find some of the best nightlife in the world in this country.

And if you want a serious relationship, you can certainly find that too. Again, most Thai girls are great. You will just have to work at it like you would in your home country.

The main point here is simply to understand the difference. 

It never ceases to amaze me how many foreigners come here and try to make a prostitute that they met at a bar at 1am their girlfriend or wife.

Again, a little bit of common sense can go a long way!

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2) Travel Around the Country First!

After Two Years What I Have Learned From Moving to Thailand as a Poker Player
วัดพระธาตุดอยสุเทพ Wat Phra That Doi Suthep
Chiang Mai, Thailand
So many people who come here often head straight to some place like Chiang Mai or Phuket and virtually never leave.

Which is crazy because this country has so much to offer and so much diversity. You need to see it all first!

Most people here live in one of three places: Bangkok, Chiang Mai or Phuket. These places are all extremely different and it is up to each individual person to decide which one is best for them.

Do you like the big city or a small one? Are you in love with the idea of living near the beach or can you make due without one? 

What sort of budget do you have? Do you want to live in a touristy area with inflated prices but more Western type conveniences or can you live among the locals?

You can't answer these questions without first going and having a look at all of these places yourself. And I truly mean that. You have to see it for yourself. No amount of watching Youtube videos or reading about it on the internet can replicate the real thing.

My advice is to set aside enough money to just be a complete tourist for your first month here. Honestly, this is one of the most amazing places on earth for the quality of experiences that you can have anyways.

You can go visit ridiculous temples on the top of a mountain, go to some of the best beaches in the world, party on one with 20k other people, ride elephants and zipline through jungles, explore a mega city like Bangkok, chill out with some tigers in the north, check out world class diving and rock climbing in the south. And on and on and on.

Be a tourist when you get here and just have fun! 

Head straight to Khao San Road in Bangkok (backpacker capital of the world) and meet up with some backpackers who are going your way. 

Go with them and have the time of your life. Or don't take my advice and head straight to your room in somebody's poker "grind house" and miss the boat on what this country has to offer completely.

3) Realize How Good You Have it Every Day

After Two Years What I Have Learned From Moving to Thailand as a Poker Player
Hard to complain!
I have woken up pretty much every day since I arrived here with a smile on my face. It is hard not to when it is sunny and 30+ degrees basically every day of the year.

I am looking at a beautiful beach as I type this from my condo that costs a lot less than it would cost in the expensive Canadian city that I am from.

Also, I am very blessed to be able to do what I do and work anywhere in the world. This is something that most people dream about. 

Just wait until you start posting the pictures on Facebook/Instagram and the comments that you will get!

Truthfully though most people can actually do this. They just don't want to take the steps to make it happen. You took the huge first step by just getting on the plane. Have a blast but don't take it for granted once you get here!


Please note that this entire article was written BEFORE the Covid 19 pandemic and therefore traveling to Thailand or anywhere internationally right now is much more difficult and often ill-advised.

Lastly, if you want to learn how to start consistently making $1000+ per month in low stakes games, make sure you grab a copy of my free poker cheat sheet.

thailand poker